The UK Gambling Commission have stated that gambling operator TGP Europe Limited will pay a £316,250 penalty for anti-money laundering (AML) and social responsibility failures. The operator runs 19 websites
TGP will also receive an official warning and will have conditions added to its licence. TGP Europe power a number of companies who offer sports betting and who provide sponsorship to Premier League football clubs. Current Premier League clubs with sponsors which use TGP Europe to access the UK market include Newcastle United (Fun88), Aston Villa (Kaiyun Sports) and Nottingham Forest (6686).
Social responsibility failures included:
Allowing customers to continue to gamble after hitting multiple safer gambling alerts without intervention
Relying on automated, as opposed to human, interactions when customers hit safer gambling alerts
Not assessing the effectiveness of these interactions or whether additional steps were required such as a telephone interaction.
Anti-money laundering failures included:
Not having a money laundering and terrorist financing risk assessment which adequately addressed risks, such as customers providing false or stolen identification documentation and risks linked to complex or unusually large transactions
Not adequately considering and mitigating the money laundering risks posed by their business-to-business relationships
Having ineffective policies and procedures in relation to due diligence undertaken prior to white label agreements.
Additional licence conditions setting out action the licensee must take to ensure thorough due diligence checks are conducted have been added to the operator’s licence. The Gambling commission also state that all operators entering white-label partnerships must be aware of their obligations.